Friday, October 16, 2009

I've been very lazy with the weightloss, lacking alot of motivation, I am proud of what I have achieved so far - 37.3kg is no little loss, but for what I need to achieve, I'm only a third of the way there, so I'm frustrated and just plateu'ing at the moment. If I was sgtrict like my sister in law, I could have lost 50kg by now, but I can't not let myself have things, I then go crazy and ust gorge like there is no tomorrow, so I've been allowing myslef to have what I want, but in moderation - the reason behind the lap band, it help with the moderation only letting me eat a very small amount, so it's a tool - one I am misusing right at this very moment, but it's been an emotional rollercoaster lately and always - emotions are my excuse to eat ... something I am working on... trust me - much better than I used to be. I no longer eat a packet of tim tams, I eat 1 or 2. Life changing in comparison, and it's a long road ahead, but I will get there even if it takes me 10 years .... it's not something I can just step off like Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers, it's a lifetime of dieting I am facing, but if that's what it takes ... that's exactly what I'll do. :-)

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